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Our Schools
In 2004, after some careful thought, utilization of collective skills, and a lot of faith, the all-volunteer board of directors and staff launched L4L and provided its first lunches to 84 kids at Andrea Gonzales Elementary School in El Amatillo, Honduras. The theory centered on the idea that if nutritious lunches at school could be provided, then children who were often forced to drop-out of school to search for food would, instead, choose to attend school.

The theory was correct! Within a few weeks of implementing the program, attendance grew from 84 kids to over 100 kids and absenteeism diminished to almost zero. Word of the lunch program continued to spread and more and more kids enrolled. Building on the success at Andrea Gonzales Elementary School, L4L now provides daily school lunches to over 2,000 kids in more than 50 schools across Valle District of Honduras.

The L4L program is made possible by the generosity of our sponsors and donors. School Sponsors are organizations or individuals who have committed to annual funding which makes possible the lunch program at their sponsored schools. They also have the opportunity to travel with us to Honduras to visit their sponsored schools and build long-term relationships with the students, teachers, principals and families in the school community.

A handful of schools in the L4L program are available for sponsorships right now at any of our designated sponsorship levels. The fact that these schools are in the L4L program means that the students there are receiving lunches daily. The fact that they are available for sponsorship means that the cost of the lunch program is being shouldered by L4L operational funds either completely, or at least in part. School sponsorships - at any level - will help to ensure the sustainability of the program at the school.

You, your family, or your organization could allocate your school sponsorship commitment to any of the un-sponsored schools at any of the sponsorship levels indicated. As a School Sponsor, you will be directly associated with your selected school. Your name - or that of your organization or family - will be included on a permanent banner at the school. You will receive correspondence from the students several times each year and you will be encouraged to travel with us to visit your sponsored school when you are able to do so. The gratitude you will receive from the students, teachers, and parents is both immeasurable and imminently gratifying.
Following is a listing of the schools currently supported by Lunches for Learning ... and the generous sponsors who make the lunch program possible at each school:


 #  School Name
Sponsor 2024 Enrollment
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
1 14 de Julio
(Hato Nuevo, Goascorán)
East Cobb Rotary Club
Marietta, Georgia
7 4 3 3 6 4 3        
2 15 de Septiembre
(Tamarindo, Nacaome)
School Sponsors needed 22 10 6 9 13 6 12 10 12 10
3 3 de Octubre
(Sabana Redonda, Goascorán)
Roswell Rotary Club
Roswell, Georgia
In honor of Charlotte & Malone Dodson
3 1 2 4 0 1 7        
4 Ana Garcia
(Tierras Morenas, Nacaome)
Lind and McAfee Families
Georgia and North Carolina
5 4 6 4 3 3 3      
5 Andrea Gonzalez
(El Amatillo, Goascorán)
School Sponsors needed   12 15 14 5 7 9      
6 Benito Montoya
(Barrial, Nacaome)
Messiah Lutheran Church
Madison, Alabama
13 2 7 10 10 9 6      
7 Carlos Roberto Flores,
(Las Pozas, Aramecina)
The Hamre Family
Birmingham, Alabama
In loving memory of Mary Jo Hamre
8 Carlos Roberto Flores
(Rincon Tablas, Nacaome)
Patsy & Bill Wolff
Roswell, Georgia
15 5 6 6 2 6 6      
9 Dionisio de Herrera 
(El Junquillo, Nacaome)
School Sponsors needed 4 2 4 2 4 3 4      
10 Dionisio de Herrera
(Queseritas, Goascorán)
First Methodist Church of Enterprise
Enterprise, Alabama
2 1 8 2 4 7 1       25
11 Dr. Ersy Mejia
(Jicaro Abajo, Nacaome)
Living Water Lutheran Church
Scottsdale, Arizona
7 2 3 3 5 2 2      
12 Dr. Juan Lindo
(La Puya, Goascorán)
Love and Gaines Families
Roswell, Georgia
1 2 6 9 2 6 4      
13 Francisco Javier Montalvan 
(Chaparral, Nacaome)
Edgewater Rotary Club
Biloxi, Mississippi
18 10 5 4 12 8 5        
14 Francisco Morazán
(Bañaderos, Nacaome)
Clay Lee
Fernandina Beach, Florida
0 2 0 3 1 2 2      
15 Francisco Morazán
(La Peña #1, Goascorán)
Decision Lab
Columbia, Maryland
1 6 5 8 11 5 4       40
16 Francisco Morazán
(Las Uvas, Goascorán)
Roswell Rotary Club
Roswell, Georgia
In honor of Charlotte & Malone Dodson
9 6 5 8 5 7 4 12 13 11
17 Francisco Morazán
(Santa Rita, Goascorán)
"Grace & Peace"

Grace Lutheran Church
Woodstock, Illinois
Peace Lutheran Church
Spring Hill, Tennessee
2 2 4 1 0 3 2      
18 Francisco Morazán
(El Saucito, Nacaome)
Rotary Club of Enterprise
Enterprise, Alabama
16 8 4 5 2 5 5 8 4 3 60
19 Froylán Turcios
, Nacaome)
Anne and Jerry Rehfuss
Roswell, Georgia
4 2 0 2 4 1 2      
20 Gustavo Adolfo Andino
(Rincon Ocotillo, Nacaome)
Terry and Amy Taylor
Marietta, Georgia
In loving memory of John R. King
13 7 5 7 7 4 4      
21 Irma Josefa Garcia
(Torrecillas, Nacaome)
(kinder@Jose Angel Cerrato
School Sponsors needed 7                   7
22 Jardin Alegrias Infantiles
(Rincón, Goascorán)
Dothan Tuesday Rotary
Dothan, Alabama
In honor of Mike Schmitz
23 Jardin el Povenir
(El Llano, Nacaome)
Jimmie Groom
Madison, Alabama
24 Jesus Milla Selva
(Santa Clara, Nacaome)
Graham & Betty George
Montgomery, Alabama
Jack & Dittra Graham
Opelika, Alabama
Charles & Martha Jinright
Montgomery, Alabama
13 2 3 5 3 12 5      
25 Jesus Tadeo Florés
(Los Almendros, Nacaome)
Messiah Lutheran Church
Madison, Alabama
  1 2 4 0 1 2      
26 José Angel Cerrato
(Torrecillas, Nacaome)
Rotary Club of Big Canoe
Jasper, Georgia
  5 2 8 3 7 5      
27 José Cecilio del Valle
(Las Pozas, Goascorán)
Jim & Cheryl Coyle
Roswell, Georgia
Dean & MaryBeth Dorman
Carmel, New York
  12 17 13 14 5 13       74
28 José Cecilio del Valle
(Piedras Blancas, Goascorán)
Montgomery Capital Rotary Club
Montgomery, Alabama
In loving memory of Ron Hicks,
L4L Founder and long-time Rotary Club member.
5 0 4 1 9 2 4      
29 José Cecilio del Valle
(San Pedro Calero, Alianza)
First Methodist Church of Enterprise
Enterprise, Alabama
13 6 6 1 9 4 5       44
30 José Santos Guardiola
(Jicaro Centro, Nacaome)
Living Water Lutheran Church
Scottsdale, Arizona
5 1 2 0 2 2 2      
31 José Trinidad Cabañas
(Hondable, Nacaome)
St. John's Lutheran Church
Mendota, Illinois
11 7 5 9 5 6 5      
32 José Trinidad Cabañas
(Los Almendros, Goascorán)
Ron & Linda
Las Vegas, Nevada
9 0 1 1 2 3 1      
33 José Trinidad Cabañas
(Rincón, Goascorán)
The Dodson Family
Alpharetta, Georgia
Cleveland, Georgia

Additional School Sponsors needed
0 13 11 22 11 16 10      
34 José Trinidad Reyes
(El Picacho, Goascorán)
Continental Brokerage Corp.
Montgomery, Alabama
3 0 0 2 0 0 0      
35 José Trinidad Reyes 
(Las Balitas, Nacaome)
Collective School Sponsorship
Involving combined giving from multiple families and individuals
10 2 6 4 4 8 4      
36 Juan XXIII
(Ocotillo, Nacaome)
Mike & Judy Hampton
Roswell, Georgia
12 8 8 19 14 9 14 20 16 18 138
37 Julio Reyes Diaz
(Mapachin, Nacaome)
Good Shepherd UMC
Madison, Alabama
4 4 2 5 8 1 3      
38 Lempira
(Portillo del Gallo, Nacaome)
The Ruth Lee Charitable Trust
Montgomery, Alabama
  1 1 2 2 2 3      
39 Manuel Bonilla
(Las Tablas, Nacaome)
Roswell UMC
Roswell, Georgia
11 7 8 11 14 3 12 14 10 15
40 Manuel de Jesus Subirana
(Santa Lucia, Goascorán)
Cleveland First Methodist Church
Cleveland, Georgia

Cleveland First Methodist Women
Cleveland, Georgia
4 5 4 1 3 2 4      
41 Manuel Vides
(El Amatillo, Goascorán)
(Kindergarten at Andrea Gonzalez school)
"Ama Siempre"
Roswell, Georgia
42* Marco Aurelio Soto
(La Peña #2, Goascorán)
Pattie & Ace Necaise
Ocean Springs, Mississippi
2 1 2 0 1 1 4       11
43 Napoleón Arias Cristales
(El Resbaloso, Goascorán)
School Sponsors needed 0 12 21 16 16 20 16 15 15 14
44 Nueva Honduras
(El Junquillo, Goascorán)
St. Charles Parish Rotary Club
New Orleans, Louisiana
4 3 3 1 3 6 5      
45 Pedro Nufio
(El Llano, Nacaome)
East Cobb Rotary Club
Marietta, Georgia
0 6 5 9 13 11 13 20 17 20
46 Policarpo Paz Garcia
(El Coyolar, Goascorán)
Grace Lutheran Church
Woodstock, Illinois
2 7 8 2 2 3 6      
47 Suzana Rutledge
(Kinder @ Ramon Amaya Amador -Estacones)
School Sponsors needed 13                  
48 Ramón Amaya Amador
(Estacones, Nacaome)
School Sponsors needed   4 2 6 8 2 4 12 4 9
49 Romulo Alvarado
(El Caragua, Nacaomel)
Church of the Ascension
Montgomery, Alabama
8 5 2 11 3 4 3 5 2 7 50
50 Roque Jacinto Reyes
(Kindergarten at Napoleón Arias Cristales school)
(El Resbaloso, Goascoran)
Burns & Jenny Logan
St. Augustine, Florida
51 Terencio Sierra
(Potrerillos, Nacaome)
Phil and Tracy Dodson
Cleveland, Georgia

Jim and Judy Williams
Athens, Georgia
8 4 4 0 2 4 3      
 * by # indicates preliminary student count/unconfirmed

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